2019 Session Descriptions
Comprehensive K-12 Literacy Institute

Click HERE for presenter biographies.

One Day Institute
August 6, 2019

Keynote: 8:30 – 9:45 by Dr. Peter Johnston

Facilitated Keynote Study Sessions: 9:45 – 10:15

Session 1:  10:30 – 11:30 (4 concurrent sectionals to choose from)

1a) Instructional Leadership for Administrators 

What are the roles and responsibilities of administrators (superintendent, curriculum director, pupil services directors, principal) in the PCL model? Where and how do they align, crossover and integrate? As an administrator, what does it mean to be the lead learner? What does it look like to support teachers in their professional growth? How do administrators balance invitation and expectation? How can you tell when teaching is responsive and should be promoted, or not? What should the working relationship look like with the coach? What roles and responsibilities should the principal know about the coach’s job? Answers to these questions will be provided as they relate to the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) model.

Presenter: Michelle Amend

Audience: Administrators

1b) Theory & Research Aligned to Language Workshop

Teachers, administrators, and coaches must understand how the components within the Language Workshop framework are connected to research. In this session, participants will learn the difference between research tested and research-based practices. Information provided in this session will empower teachers in their planning, coaches in their support and administrators in their leadership.

Presenter: Carla Soffos

Audience: Elementary Teachers, Coaches & Administrators

1c) How to Increase Language in Interventions 

CIM interventions capitalize on the reciprocity of reading and writing to provide a more comprehensive approach. For our least experienced, language cannot be an assumed curriculum, but rather needs to be explicitly planned, taught, and supported. This session will present the why and how of scaffolding language during interventions.

Presenter: Kelly Luedeke

Audience: Interventionists, Coaches, Administrators, ESL Teachers

1d) Ensuring Equity, Engagement, and Student Empowerment 

What does the PCL model mean for the students and staff in any content area at the middle school/secondary level? What are the components of the model that lead to equity, engagement and student empowerment? This session will answer these questions. Come to this session and get a glimpse into what it looks like in Physical Education, Business Education, Math and ELA at the secondary level.

Presenters: Maureen Schiefelbein & Lynn Stankevich

Audience: Secondary Teachers, Administrators, Coaches

Session 2: 12:00 – 1:00 (5 concurrent sectionals to choose from)

2a) Long-range Sustainable Planning 

The Partnership in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) framework requires sustainable planning from both the building and system levels. Research has found that significant improvement is related to the extent that programs for students and staff are coordinated, focused on learning goals, and SUSTAINED OVER PERIOD OF TIME (Fullan 2007). The need for instructional congruency among programs is a critical factor, even more for children who struggle with transferring their knowledge and skills across multiple contexts (Allington 2011). As districts are substantially spending on professional capital, resources, and improvement, planning beyond a measurable “academic” plan is needed. This session will focus on system and building planning to ensure sustainability in the model over time (and at times, over leadership).

Presenter: Maria Kucharski

Audience: Administrators

2b) Classroom Talk and Children’s Literate Learning  

The classroom choices we make, particularly our language choices, influence the qualities of the classroom learning community and children’s development. They influence children’s self-regulation, The classroom choices we make, particularly our language choices, influence the qualities of the classroom learning community and children’s development. They influence children’s self-regulation, their social relationships, and their literate and intellectual development. This talk explains how this happens and how to make those choices wisely. social relationships, and their literate and intellectual development. This talk explains how this happens and how to make those choices wisely.

Presenter: Peter Johnston

Audience: Elementary Teachers, Coaches, Administrators

2c) Targeted Interventions for Classroom, Interventionist, or Special Education Teachers

Occasionally, a student in a regular classroom group or in an intervention group needs a temporary detour that addresses a specific problem in order for him or her to take full advantage of the program. This session will present the why and how of matching students to targeted interventions.

Presenter: Brian Reindl

Audience: Interventionists, Coaches, Administrators, Special Education Teachers, ESL teachers, and Classroom Teachers at the Elementary and Secondary Levels

2d) Overview of PCL for Secondary Teachers
The PCL model is as much about teaching and learning as it is about literacy.  Whether you are a school or an individual teacher, this session will explain how the model works at the secondary level, and the best practices for instruction across the disciplines even if you are not an affiliated PCL school.  The presenter will also share time-saving instructional and assessment practices that transform teacher and student learning.

Presenter: Michelle Amend
Audience: Secondary Teachers, Coaches & Administrators

2e) Vocabulary Instruction for All

Vocabulary cannot just be a focus for ELA; all academic disciplines require that students learn new words. Learn the difference between Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary and how Kaukauna High School shared the responsibility for teaching both to all students.

Presenters: Nicole Hochholzer & Corey Baumgartner
Audience: Secondary Teachers, Coaches & Administrators 

Session 3: 1:15 – 2:15 (4 concurrent sectionals to choose from)

3a)  Establishing a Systems Approach to CIM Intervention

This session will share Fort Atkinson’s work in establishing a K-12 systems approach to maximize the impact of the CIM Intervention system. The District will share its journey in establishing intervention eligibility and selection criteria, delivering interventions aligned to fidelity guidelines, analyzing data to monitor students’ level of response to intervention and monitor program effectiveness, and allocating resources and professional capital to maximize acceleration for highest need students. This process has been supported by the academic intervention module of the eduCLIMBER data management system to ensure K-12 system approaches are data-based and grounded in measurable academic return on investment.

Presenters: District Coaches, CIM specialist, Director of instruction and Representatives from the Principal Team
Audience: Interventionists, Coaches, & Administrators

 3b) Lifting the Lens of Complexity on Mentor Texts: Mirrors, Windows, & Sliding Glass Doors

Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop suggests, “Books are sometimes windows, offering views of worlds that may be real or imagined, familiar or strange. These windows are also sliding glass doors, and readers have only to walk through in imagination to become part of whatever world has been created or recreated by the author. When lighting conditions are just right, however, a window can also be a mirror.” Are the mentor texts you use serving as mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors? Can every child in your classroom see reflections of themselves in the books that are read? Are your mentor texts representative of the diversity that exists in your schools? Join us as we explore the importance of including mentor texts that are windows, sliding glass doors, and mirrors for our students. Participants in this session will leave with ideas for mentor texts to add to their collections and will be inspired to continue to diversify the literature they share with their students.

Presenter: Tara Caul & Katie Hoffman
Audience: All Teachers, Coaches, Interventionists & Administrators

3c) Developing Literacy Learners through Responsive Teaching

Who our students become and what they are able to achieve have a great deal to do with what teachers know, believe, and are able to do. Expert teachers grounded in solid theories of teaching and learning create opportunities for students that no kit, script, or manual can achieve. This session focuses on the results for students when responsive teachers use what they continuously learn to open doors of limitless possibilities for their students. Videos and artifacts will be shared.

Presenter: Kathy Champeau & Laurie McCarthy
Audience: All (videos & artifacts come from elementary level)

3d) ESAIL at the Secondary Level- Across the Disciplines: Collecting Formative Data

The ESAIL can provide observable evidence of continuous growth in literacy, language, and learning beyond elementary schools to all disciplines at the secondary level. This interactive presentation will support middle and high schools in engaging in the ESAIL process by asking questions and sharing examples from a PCL middle school.

Presenters: Dan Joseph, Jennifer Hengel & Coreen Wyngaard

Audience: Secondary Teachers, Administrators

2:30 – 3:30 General Session, Closing Remarks, & Door Prizes