2019 Institute Theme:
Language, Literacy & Learning
Featured Presenters
Dr. Peter Johnston is Professor Emeritus at the University of Albany-SUNY. He is a member of the ILA Literacy Research Panel. He is the author of several books, two of which will be used at the institute: Opening Minds & Choice Words.
Dr. Johnston’s keynote will focus on the topic of developing engaged, self-extending, literate communities. Apprenticing students into literacy is easier if we recognize the significance of student engagement and what that requires, treat literacy and learning as social practices, and take seriously the fact that the teacher is not the only source of learning in the classroom. This talk shows what is possible when children learn how to think together as a community and how to capitalize on rather than fight some of children’s natural tendencies.
Carla Soffos is a University Clinical Coach for the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) model and the Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM). Carla has a Master’s degree in Reading, plus graduate hours as a Reading Recovery Teacher Leader and literacy coach. She has over 25 years of experience in education, including classroom teacher, intervention specialist, and literacy coach.
Carla is nationally recognized for her work in comprehensive literacy and her co-authored publications with Linda Dorn. She has collaborated with school districts across the United States on implementing a comprehensive literacy approach for school improvement. In her current role as a university clinical coach, Carla provides tailored support for PCL and CIM schools across the country, including the use of technology for live observations and coaching support.
Linda and Carla have also co-authored many professional books: Scaffolding Young Writers: A Writing Workshop Approach; Shaping Literate Minds: Developing Self Regulated Learners; Teaching for Deep Comprehension: A Reading Workshop Approach and most recently Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3. Teaching for Transfer, their latest text will be out soon.